Ch 18 Volcanoes


                                                                                       by: Frank Gregorio         Ch 18 Volcanoes      pages: 499-525

               Ch 18 Study Guide Scantron                                         Introduction to Volcanoes   



TEXT BOOK Sections:    Ch18-1        Ch18-2      Ch18-3 


TEXT BOOK  Questions:    Ch 18-Assessments

TEXT BOOK STUDY GUIDE    Ch 18 Study guide Scantron

Smith's Cornell Notes:  My Cornell notes on Volcanoes            PowerPoint Notes for class   

                         EXTRA NOTES:   Dynamic earth topic 5                           Blank CORNELL notesheet

                                                  NEW Blank Cornell Note sheet (WORD Version)              NEW Blank Cornell Note sheet (PDF version)

Mar 13



Please read the following articles

They are marked in RED






Please read the following articles on Pele

 Hawaiian Goddess 







7 Hawaiian Legends Not To Be Ignored  (Don’t Take The Lava Rock Home With You)





  Goddess Pele : Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcano


   The Story of Pele


   Pele: Hawaii Goddess of Fire


  Pele Sightings: Hawaiian Goddess



Volcanoes  by:Iken Edu


March 14

Pi day


(THE OTHER VERSION OF THIS) that the teacher has on DVD


 If interested to watch.

About a helicopter that crashes into a volcano

  Deadliest Volcanoes /// History Channel Documentary


  Helicopter VOLCANO Crash | S01 E11 | I Shouldnt Be Alive by: All Documentary





March 15


LISTEN to Mr. Parr's

        BLANK  CORNELL notesheet


Watch in class



Watch in class



(Start the video at 0:37 sec) 4:02 (slience read along)



Watch in class



Watch in class


 Volcanic Song by ParrMr  


 Geography Lesson: What is a Volcano?  by: Twig World


  Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic   National Geographic 


   Volcano eruption Power Comparison   by:Tech Insider



    What are Volcano?  by  CrashCourse



 THE BIGGEST VOLCANOES In The World  by: Trend Max 


 How to pronounce Eyjafjallajokull (a message from an Icelander) 

  How to pronounce Eyjafjallajokull

Mar 15 &16

 Watch video in class

start complete Cornell sheet

 CORNELL sheet for video


Raiders of the Lost Ark (9/10) Movie CLIP  by:Movieclips

    start video clip at 1:15 for ex. of Thermal shock 


Showing you some insite to the video  Each house is looked at








MUST Watch later...




Pompeii: The Last Day  (Discovery)  


 WS Pompeii: the Last Day  NEW WORKSHEET  to be completed during watching video


   House of Polybius (Pompeii)  by: Altair4 Multimedia



   Pompeii. The Fullery of Stephanus   by: Classical Civilization 



   Pompeii and the House of Sallust - 3D Reconstruction



    Stabian Baths, Pompeii by:  elenwashere



 Writings of Pompeii   the_Elder   &  the_Younger

              Pliny The Elder: Great Minds 



Mar 16



  Watched in class


 Watched in class



Watched in class


.Watched in class

   Third Style Painting at the House of Julius Polybius at Pompeii. AD79  by: Classical Civilization

           Science World Operation Dumbo

   Altair4 Multimedia Archive: Research


   Houses of Pompeii   by: Amanda Boyle  



   Virtual Roman house   by  Ancientvine


   Ancient Roman homes of the RICH (2014)   by ledavidegan



   The Forum of Pompeii   by Amanda Boyle

    Stabian Baths, Pompeii by: Carla Brain


  Herculaneum Half-day Tour - What to see in Italy's Roman ruins (7m56s):


 Pompeii, Italy The city of Pompeii is a partially buried Roman town

near modern day Naples. by: Kevin Kilpatrick



Mar 16

 Video by andrus9000

 part 1 9:58

 part 2 9:54


360 VR Tour Inside

and outside | VR Walk

 No comments tour

 Pompei part 1 HD Pompeii

 Pompei part 2 HD Pompeii


 Pompeii | Amphitheatre of Pompeii |

 Streets of Pompeii | 360 VR tour



Mar 16


Using Google Earth take you on a tour of Pompeii

 Ruins of Pompeii Walking Tour (all parts w/music)

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 1

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 2

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 3

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 4

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 5

 Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 6

 Mt Vesuvius Walking Tour 



Mar 16

Video: by Evei Rocks





discovery version 





  The Lost City of Pompeii (1 of 2)  by: Angelooch1


  The Lost City of Pompeii (2 of 2)  by: Angelooch1


  Pompeii 1-day tour - What to see in Italy's Roman ruins - Mini-documentary


  Pompeii 2-day tour - What to see in Italy's Roman ruins - Mini-documentary


 The Other Pompeii: Life and Death in Herculaneum | BBC Documentary  by: Ancient History Documentaries



LISTEN to Mr. Parr's




Optional watch... Its similar to

Pompeii video we watched



   Ring of Fire-Eruption Song 


  Krakatoa, the Last Days (2006) Part 1/2(2006)  by:  Irena Migliore

            If the SITE does not work:  Copy and Paste the title listed below into YouTube and do a search  

                Krakatoa, the Last Days (2006) Part 1/2


  Krakatoa - The Great Volcanic Eruption by:Naked Science




Mar 21

LISTEN to Mr. Parr's


National Geographic  4:58



 Reigarw Comparisons  5:18  Good video



Mythical Realm website

A Fire Below  Song

  5 Deadliest Volcano Eruptions In Human History  

  Most Dangerous Volcano 

How Volcanoes Formed  by: Myandyourutube 

  Volcano, How Calderas are Formed by: encrypt777 

  HW Volcanic Crossword puzzle #1

Mar 22

Watch video

Answer WS that goes with it


Directions for the VIDEO

if needed (there is also a PDF

file for more help)

Earth Revealed Video #13 Volcanoes


  Click on the above link: 

   when the site opens up look on the right side for Video #13 

             Video directions for Earth Revealed Video 13 Volcanism.pdf




March 23

Watch video by National Geographic



Watch video by  Unveiled




Watch video by  Naked Science




Watch video by HISTORY




Watch video 

  Supervolcanoes 101 | National Geographic



  What If Yellowstone Erupts? | Unveiled


Naked Science - Super Volcanoes  by: Naked Science




  Yellowstone: Big Volcano Ready to Erupt   How the Earth Was Made (S1, E8) 


 SUPERVOLCANO Yellowstone Movie Full 2 Hours



Video by: World Documentary

NOVA   2:38:11


Video by : Storm


Video by : The Destruction Zone


 Deadly Mt. St. Helen 

 Photographing a Catastrophic Explosion at Mt.St. Helens

 Mount Rainier Volcano is a Ticking Time Bomb

  Mount Rainer National Parkm official site

   Crater Lake Park official website


LISTEN to Mr. Parr's




  Magma Rising Up Song

 Volcanoes Place By The Ocean  by

 Volcanic Eruptions Song



Mar 17


VOLCANO Articles for reading assignment


UPDATE: Aug 24, 79 AD Vesuvius erupts but 

recent scientist found evidence that the eruption

might have occurred on OCT 24, 79 AD

 Pompeii Articles

  Article on Pompeii "on Fast foods" 

  Science World Monster Myths Pompeii FEB 17 "in the shadow"

  Science World Article In the Shadow of (Feb4 2008 Operation Dumbo)


 Icelandic Volcano Articles

  Science World Island Eruption "fiery Island about iceland"

  Science World Kaboom Jan 3 2011 "about iceland volcano"

  Science World Volcano Warning  Oct 27 2014


May 17

ONLINE computer activity #1


    Volcano World Notes

 (IF you have no internet access)

   Volcano World online Computer activity #1



     WS: Computer_volcano_world_Questions_2017



May 17 

CORNELL notesheet

ONLINE computer activity #2


         IF you have no internet access)

  Volcano USGS online activity #2


    WS: USGS_computer_Questions_for_online#2_2017

   Study Guide and EXAM